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Quote of a german poet: „Zu fällen einen schönen Baum, braucht's eine halbe Stunde kaum. Zu wachsen, bis man ihn bewundert, braucht er, bedenkt es, ein Jahrhundert!“
Translation: "It hardly takes half an hour to fell a beautiful tree. It takes a century, think about it, to grow until you admire him!”
- Eugen Roth
How does it work?
22ender works closely with our local foresters to plant a healthy next generation of forest in Germany.
With every completed purchase of a gun sling, we donate a tree to our forest, which is professionally planted and managed.

What we have achieved so far:
We are very proud that together we were able to plant more than 120 trees in Germany.
We are sure that with your support we will make a permanent and effective positive change for our world.
Tree species planted so far

The sweet chestnut is the only chestnut from the beech family. It forms nut fruits that are rich in starch and can be eaten and are often found at Christmas markets. In addition to its edible fruits, it is also used as a source of wood in southern and western Europe. It grows 20-35m high and reaches an age of 500 - 600 years.

The sessile oak, also known as Cornish oak, Irish Oak or durmast oak, blooms from April to May. It grows 20 - 40m high and reaches a trunk diameter of up to 2m (!). Their trunk is considered to be extremely storm-resistant, which is due to the deep-growing taproot. The maximum age is 1000 years.

With a growth height of 54m, it is by far the largest tree in our project. Its shape is pyramidal and its trunk reaches 1.5-2m in diameter. Their maximum age is 600 years - but there are seldom exceptions, e.g. in South Tyrol, where the famous "Ultner Urlärchen" are located, which are said to have germinated in 1150. As the only coniferous tree native to Germany, it sheds its needles every autumn.
Questions to our forester
The idea of planting trees came from a desire to do our part to improve the environment and make a real difference with the support of our customers.
Nature has always been a source of inspiration for our own Happiness, for our well-being and also for our product design. Is there anything better than having more healthy forests on our planet?
Various trees are planted to create a healthy mixed forest. These include sweet chestnuts, sessile oaks and European larches.
Until today 125 trees were planted in Asbach, Rhineland-Palatinate